Wrike’s online document editing integration
Want to edit your files online without downloading them? Try Wrike’s project management integration.

Document editing just got faster
Forget about downloading documents to your computer and searching for the most up-to-date version — upgrade your online document editing with Wrike.
Once you’re finished, save your changes, and Wrike will automatically upload the new file version for you and attach it to your task. To use this feature, just click the pencil icon on any attached file.
The online document editor is used to ensure that teams always have the latest version of a file or document. Instead of downloading, uploading, and losing track of documents, you can hover over the document and click the pencil icon on a document that has been shared in a Wrike task. Then, when you’re finished editing it, hit save or simply close the document. The file version will be updated automatically.
When you click on a document to edit, a new file window will open. From there, you can make changes and leave notes.
Once you close the window on the opened file you wish to edit, your changes will be automatically saved. The Wrike task will also be updated to include the version number.
Wrike’s online document editor supports: JPG, PNG, PDF, Microsoft Office 2007 x32, 2010/2013 x32 and x64 for Windows Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac Open Office for Mac and Windows Libre Office for Mac and Windows.