When creating tasks via e-mail you may have a question about how to indicate the due date to make it understandable for the system. The best way is to write it in this format: [yyyy-mm-dd]. Nevertheless Wrike supports another format: [mm-dd-yyyy]. You may separate the year, month and day with the help of any of
If you manage projects that consist of typical tasks, then project templates can save you a lot of time. The templates help you quickly add frequently recurring tasks to your projects. Besides, Wrike allows you to fully customize templates for your convenience. For example, if you have a Web site project, you always have design,
Today, we’re proud to announce Wrike's integration with Teams. We’ve worked with Microsoft to deliver powerful Wrike features and functions through the Teams chat interface. Teams users can now create tasks and manage projects, which keeps communication within the context of work and collaboration within Office 365.
One of the key things that make Wrike unique project management software is its fantastic flexibility and efficiency in handling multiple projects. Today, we’re releasing a couple of very handy updates that will make your experience in a multi-project environment even more comfortable! Wrike’s folders can be used as tags and categories to build a neat
Want to know what it takes to successfully manage online marketing project? Rich Byrd, the President of Fast Forward Marketing, Wrike’s new client, and Nic Bryson, Wrike’s VP of Customer Care, are sharing their key findings and long-term expertise on how to best keep projects and your team organized: Break a project down into discrete, clearly defined tasks, instead of having
We pay a lot of attention to the privacy and security of data and use every progressive method in this area. Obviously the quality in this area is vitally important for the success of our product. At the current stage of Wrike’s development we plan to introduce the paid version with advanced features by the summer.
Most of the questions and debates between users and the support team come from the sharing principle. Let me explain it again. Example Every user has its own workspace in Wrike, and its own structure of tasks and folders. He can share any task or a folder with other users. In this case the
Besides working on the tasks that need to be done, many of our users wanted to easily see what tasks are already done. We added this feature, so now you can get a full picture of your project plan. Completed tasks, as well as active ones, can be now displayed on a timeline. We also added
Today we are glad to tell you that we have implemented the ability to export your data. At any time, you can export all your tasks with their statuses, priorities, responsible parties, start dates and due dates to Excel (xls) format. Your exported tasks will be structured the same way as in your workspace, so
As Wrike project management software’s popularity grows at amazing speed, so does Wrike’s team. We’d like to announce that there are two job openings at the moment: we need a highly efficient account executive and a super-passionate customer service representative. But first of all, let us remind you of the main points about Wrike’s team. Here are
Dear fans of Wrike, Sorry for the long silence. Now we are ready to please you with several new tools. The best ones are filters. In a couple of clicks you can create a list of tasks for which Mary Smith is responsible and that are overdue; or select tasks that were created by you, and