Do you manage various projects for numerous clients? Do your projects imply a lot of time communicating with clients? Are you tired of e-mail mess in your inbox? SayitRight Marketing Solutions solved those problems with the help of Wrike. “No matter how many projects are active or on hold at the moment, Wrike lets me
Strategy First impressions on Wrike - really like the structure. Far easier to use than Basecamp or 5pm. stoner43 @dawnbierschwal awesome, thank you! that looks pretty cool hymseo -'s Project Management meets Google Wave rubycut @wrike This is what I was looking for. WalterNaeslund Here comes usefulness! RT @ydring: Wrike integrates Google Wave into their PM-tool. Seems
You definitely know that Wrike project management software aims to eliminate as much routine administrative work as possible. The Twitter-like “Follow” feature, introduced in Wrike’s new social version, plays an important part in making this happen. Thanks to this feature, you don't have to spend time collecting updates on each task from disconnected emails, phone calls and
Numerous governmental organizations efficiently manage their projects in Wrike, and newcomers often ask us about the best practices of doing this. That’s why today we want to share with you the experience of the analysis and design department of the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Education – NCEI – Application GD. The team looks for the best software
When you create a task in Wrike via e-mail, you use tags to set the task due date and put the task in to the right folder. Now, there are more tags at your disposal: • To set the task’s due date, type it in the "by MM/DD" format at the end of the e-mail subject. Or,
Can you imagine collaborating on your tasks and projects without regularly sharing and iterating on documents, images, spreadsheets and presentations? Neither can we! With plenty of options for attaching files to tasks (from your computer, Google Drive and Dropbox), we decided it’s high time to make document management in Wrike even handier. So starting today,
From now on, you can also work on tasks from a particular folder and its subfolders as well. To do so, you simply click on the "Show descendant tasks" option. Then, as usual, you can apply filters to tasks by priority, title, responsible party, status and date.
Ever considered a possibility of self-employment? While the idea of autonomously balancing your career and personal life appeals to everyone, there's hard work behind it. So if you wish to be your own boss, here are the 5 rules I would suggest taking into account: 1. Acquire good time-management habits When working solo, you have to wear
This week, we released an important update to Wrike’s Dynamic Timeline™ – task date constraints. This feature is familiar to those of you who switched to Wrike project management software from Microsoft Project. In this post, we’ll tell you about this new functionality and how you and your peers can benefit from using it. From time to time,
Now, you can use the Wrike Proofing & Approval Add-on to review and approve all of your video assets, use more advanced markup tools, and seamlessly connect your video editors to your workflow using our Adobe Creative Cloud Extension for Adobe Premiere. The P&A Add-on is included with Wrike for Marketers or available as an add-on feature to Pro, Business and Enterprise accounts.
The compact dashboard in Wrike’s BlackBerry app gives you a short summary of your most important tasks. Using the “Favorite folders” button, you can access your priority projects and make the necessary changes to them within seconds: create a new task and assign it to a certain team member, reschedule, reassign or complete a task, post a comment