Remote work is not for everybody. At first, working from home may sound ideal. The thought of getting out of bed only to put on some slippers, start a pot of coffee, and skip into your home office 10 feet away doesn't sound half bad! But for some people, it means a day of constant
You have your headphones on, music playing, and all notifications muted to allow for maximum focus... and you're still not as productive as you want to be. What are you doing wrong? In our 2015 Work Management Survey, we surveyed 1,464 team leaders and members and asked them to rank their biggest productivity roadblocks. You'll find
If you're wondering what it's like to take a peek into the world of a Silicon Valley startup, then look no further! From the fully stocked break room to the GIFs that keep on giving, we've cultivated eight top-notch startup quotes that'll have you drinking cold brew artisan coffee in no time.
You see a calendar alert for a meeting with your boss to review client deliverables. It's 1 P.M. and the meeting is scheduled for 2 P.M. The deliverables aren't ready yet. You search rapidly through your email looking for the latest version of the deliverable. You start pinging other teammates asking who made the latest
Ever had a conversation with a colleague where you walk away thinking, "Whoa, that person was a real jerk." Turns out you're not alone. These head honcho, give-me-your-lunch-money-type personalities are not only affecting high school hallways, they're invading our office culture.
Miscommunications and misunderstandings in design can cause bottlenecks and delay projects—not to mention permanently damage the relationship with your designer. Learning how to talk to a designer so they have the specifics they need from you to complete a project (but enough freedom to incorporate their creativity as well) can cut down on the number of iterations and help build a good relationship for future projects.
A project work plan allows you to outline the requirements of a project, project planning steps, goals, and team members involved in the project. This provides visibility to everyone involved, keeps project deliverables organized in one place, and helps you stay on track to reach your objectives.
We decided to revisit history and unravel the evolution of sitting as well as the revolution of standing in the office. Check out the infographic below for the stories behind sitting, standing, and even kneeling in the office.
Wrike is honored to be the recipient of a Customer Experience Award for Complete Software and Service Experience by Software Reviews, a division of Info-Tech Research Group. Based on user feedback, we ranked first in Vendor Capabilities and Product Features under “Overall Satisfaction” and “Plan to Renew.”
Wrike asked more than 1,600 US and UK employees about the primary causes and effects of stress in the workplace. Our results show that with their health and home life at risk, workers are refusing to tolerate stress and looking for a way out.
From the mobile boom to the rise of social media, the realm of marketing has grown far beyond just promotional emails and consistent content. It's not a one size fits all solution, but here are five surefire ways to start building a more efficient and collaborative marketing team.