Ever receive a comment on a Wrike task and wonder: "Who is this person? Which department is he in?" Clicking on the user's name gives you a popup showing the user's full name, email address, and enlarged photo. Now, you can gather even more info with our enhanced User Business Cards so you know exactly
Welcome back to the weekly Work Management Roundup where we collect and curate the week’s best reads in work and management. This week, we talk a lot about productivity. We lead off with an article on Beijing's workaholic startups and continue with discussions on busy work vs. productive work, and why we need new ways to measure the productivity of our workers. Read on for more!
With so many productivity books around and so many authors proclaiming themselves productivity experts, it's rare to find a book that dishes out really useful advice and inspires you to change for the better. The book Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind (The 99U Book Series) is a
You're reached that point where email and spreadsheets just don’t cut it anymore — that point when the lost attachments and noisy communication of email, as well as the need for constant manual updates on spreadsheets, have moved from being useful to being inefficient. You’re convinced that your team would benefit from proper collaboration tools,
Welcome back to the weekly Work Management Roundup, where we collect and curate the latest articles on productivity, business, and work. This week, we're looking into the future of work. We lead off with eight VCs foretelling the future of startups. Then we follow up with six trends that will affect how work will be done a few years from now. Read on!
The fundamentals of leadership haven't changed. You lead by example, you inspire team members to do their very best work, you communicate well and often. However, the circumstances surrounding our work are constantly changing. Remote/global workforces, offshore outsourcing, and an unrelenting tide of technology and tools have changed the way we work, and the skills
Project management has a wide spectrum of effective approaches. Everything from hands-off supervision to management by walking around... And then there are the ideas that should go the way of the dinosaur — disappear in a ball of flames. This is just a list of the top 5 PM ideas that should be extinct. And if they
When you talk about product design, you're talking about the numerous processes involved in creating a product — whether physical or digital. It must have functionality that answers a target market's specific needs, and it must have an aesthetically pleasing form. It's a formula that Apple has used with much success. But where does one find
Welcome back to the weekly Work Management Roundup, where we collect and curate the week's best reads in productivity, management, and work. This week, we lead off with an interesting story about one founder's risky move in the face of a potential acquisition. He made his acquisition process public and shared crucial lessons that other entrepreneurs can now benefit from. But it was a risk. Is this kind of transparency worth it? You be the judge.