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The Complete Guide to Marketing Reporting
Marketing 10 min read

The Complete Guide to Marketing Reporting

What are marketing reports? Discover how to use marketing reporting to organize data for decision-making and help your team achieve its marketing goals.

Create Marketing Campaigns at Scale

Create Marketing Campaigns at Scale


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The Ultimate Snapchat Campaign Management Guide (2022)
Marketing 10 min read

The Ultimate Snapchat Campaign Management Guide (2022)

Snapchat is one of the leading social platforms in the world. Learn how to use Snapchat marketing to grow your brand following, engagement, sales, and reach.

Advertising on TikTok: A Marketer's Guide
Marketing 10 min read

Advertising on TikTok: A Marketer's Guide

Ocean Spray was a company that had been around for some 90 years. It knew its market. It knew its product. Building a viral smash success on a fresh platform seemed like a distant dream. Yet, thanks to TikTok, that’s exactly what happened. It all began when an Idaho potato farmer named Nathan Apodaca posted a

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Try Wrike Free for 14 Days!

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How to Develop an Influencer Marketing Strategy
Marketing 10 min read

How to Develop an Influencer Marketing Strategy

What is influencer marketing? Discover how an influencer marketing strategy can help drive brand awareness, boost conversions, and generate higher ROI.

Everything You Need for a Successful PR Campaign
Marketing 7 min read

Everything You Need for a Successful PR Campaign

Streamline your media contacts and consistently track campaign ROI by building and running successful PR campaigns. Learn more with Wrike.

Welcome to the best platform for marketing management

Welcome to the best platform for marketing management

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Graphic Design for Beginners: Top Tips
Marketing 10 min read

Graphic Design for Beginners: Top Tips

With so many brands vying for customer attention in a sea of digital content, it’s more important than ever to use effective images that draw people to your message and brand. But having Photoshop loaded on your work laptop doesn’t automatically make you a designer, and a bad visual can annoy viewers (at best) and

Top Tips for Creating a Twitter Marketing Strategy
Marketing 10 min read

Top Tips for Creating a Twitter Marketing Strategy

Twitter can be complex. Similarly, the techniques and methodologies that brands use to implement their Twitter marketing strategy add yet another layer of difficulty. While some marketing project managers prefer to follow Twitter best practices and cross their fingers, others know that putting a strategy down on (virtual) paper ensures growth and success on the platform

Social Media Trends to Watch in 2022
Marketing 10 min read

Social Media Trends to Watch in 2022

Marketers and businesses can use social media trends to connect with their target audiences. Here are some current social media trends worth watching.

The Most Common Marketing Mistakes: How to Avoid Them
Marketing 10 min read

The Most Common Marketing Mistakes: How to Avoid Them

There is so much involved in starting a business, it’s understandable when things fall through the cracks. Unfortunately, marketing is one area that many new business owners neglect or treat as more of an afterthought. Developing a marketing strategy is just as important as developing a budget. It is a key element in growing a customer base and generating revenue. This is not a simple process; mistakes are often made.

Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2022
Marketing 10 min read

Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2022

Marketing is constantly evolving. Here are some key digital marketing trends to adopt in the coming year, from live streaming to podcasts.

Everything You Need to Know About Video Marketing
Marketing 10 min read

Everything You Need to Know About Video Marketing

A video marketing strategy is critical for building connections with your audience while controlling the narrative around your business. Learn more here.

5 Must-Haves in a Campaign Management Software
Marketing 7 min read

5 Must-Haves in a Campaign Management Software

Understanding your customers helps you understand your brand and messaging. Customers are a direct reflection of what you're doing right, and who your brand is resonating with. Having a campaign management software that can act as a CRM, provide real-time information about your prospects, as well as manage and track your email campaigns can be the driving force in improving those MQL numbers.

Top 5 Skills to Make a Marketer More Marketable
Marketing 7 min read

Top 5 Skills to Make a Marketer More Marketable

To stay effective and relevant in the ever-changing world of marketing, marketing professionals need to develop these five in-demand skills.

How to Track your Digital Channels with Digital Marketing KPIs
Project Management 10 min read

How to Track your Digital Channels with Digital Marketing KPIs

In the good old days of digital marketing circa 1971 (when the first ever email was sent), the best indicator of campaign success was whether or not someone looked at what you put out into the world. Now that technology is more advanced and the market is flooded with content, marketers need to use a

How to Improve Your Social Media Marketing Productivity
Marketing 5 min read

How to Improve Your Social Media Marketing Productivity

Social media marketing can be extremely time-consuming. Monitoring mentions, responding to comments, managing your engagement on multiple profiles and doing everything possible to ensure you get the best results from social media—it all adds up to a lot of time spent using and switching between different apps. A good social media management tool can save

Online Marketing 101 (Infographic)
Marketing 3 min read

Online Marketing 101 (Infographic)

“Welcome to the team! Have you met John and Rita in SEM & SEO? You’ll be working closely with them. Oh, and make sure you connect with Nancy, she’s in charge of lead scoring and nurturing. The email and mobile marketing teams are in these rooms. How much experience do you have with marketing automation,

What Is Multicultural Marketing and Why Is it Important?
Marketing 10 min read

What Is Multicultural Marketing and Why Is it Important?

When you promote a product to a new audience, it’s obvious that you have to take that audience’s sensibilities into account. But what does that mean when your business appeals to specific demographics, cultures, and subcultures? Cross-cultural marketing requires a thoughtful approach to the context, history, and sensibilities of any given culture or subculture. In some

10 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid At All Costs
Marketing 3 min read

10 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid At All Costs

With the business landscape forever in flux and changing at a rapid pace, it's tough being a marketer. You have to constantly learn and master new technologies, communication platforms, and audience pains all at the same time. And it's dreadfully easy to make a mistake. In the Slideshare below, we list 10 marketing mistakes that can

Wrike's Ultimate Guide To Marketing Management
Marketing 5 min read

Wrike's Ultimate Guide To Marketing Management

Learn about the role of marketing management and its philosophies and processes. Plus, discover why Wrike is the best marketing management software available.

Push vs. Pull Marketing: What You Need to Know
Marketing 10 min read

Push vs. Pull Marketing: What You Need to Know

Planning your strategy for next quarter and not sure which direction to go in? In this article, we’re analyzing push vs. pull marketing so you can make the best possible decision. Learn more about what they are, how they are used, and the main difference between push and pull marketing. We’ll also go over some

Award-winning Marketing Communications Agency Efficiently Manages Multiple Projects with Wrike
Marketing 3 min read

Award-winning Marketing Communications Agency Efficiently Manages Multiple Projects with Wrike

To improve the collaboration on multiple projects, Viva’s managers started looking for easy-to-use project management software that would help to manage the workload. Members of the distributed team at Viva Creative needed a convenient way to stay up-to-date with project schedules and a handy tool to track their own assignments. For the managers, it was