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8 Tips to Fight the Summer Productivity Slump (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

8 Tips to Fight the Summer Productivity Slump (Infographic)

Vacations, weddings, long weekends camping.... with so many wonderful distractions, the last thing you want is to be stuck under your office's fluorescent lights instead of gorgeous oceanside sunlight. Unfortunately, unless your managers are just as distracted as you are, you still need to get stuff done between June and August. So if you find yourself

Addicted to Multitasking: The Scientific Reasons You Can’t Stop Juggling Work
Productivity 10 min read

Addicted to Multitasking: The Scientific Reasons You Can’t Stop Juggling Work

Confession time: in the course of writing this article, I’ve checked Facebook, Slack, Skype, and Reddit. Instagram twice. I've switched to two other tasks and sent four emails. No, the irony is not lost on me. Distractions are everywhere, and blocking them out can feel impossible. New emails never stop coming, along with questions and requests

Work Smarter, Not Harder: 25 Must-Know Productivity Tips

Work Smarter, Not Harder: 25 Must-Know Productivity Tips

Get free eBook
The Complete Guide to the Getting Things Done (GTD) Methodology
Productivity 5 min read

The Complete Guide to the Getting Things Done (GTD) Methodology

Burdened with an immense workload that is affecting your performance? Leverage the power of Getting Things Done (GTD) in collaboration with Wrike.

Try Wrike Free for 14 Days!

Try Wrike Free for 14 Days!

Improve your team's collaboration, enhance work visibility, and so much more.

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Daily Rituals to Steal From Successful Creatives and Innovators
Productivity 7 min read

Daily Rituals to Steal From Successful Creatives and Innovators

Walk in the door. Hang up jacket and put on cozy, hand-knit cardigan. Swap loafers for canvas sneakers. Ever since we were children, our brains have thrived on ritual and routine. And while it’s easy to assume that creative thinkers and visionaries eschew predictability and find inspiration in the unexpected, following an established daily routine is

The Five Antidotes for Toxic Productivity
Productivity 7 min read

The Five Antidotes for Toxic Productivity

Toxic productivity is the desire to be productive at all times, at the expense of other priorities. Find out the signs of toxic productivity and how to combat it.

How Do You Streamline HR Processes?
Productivity 5 min read

How Do You Streamline HR Processes?

How do you streamline HR processes? Onboarding, payroll, and training are all simplified by automating HR processes. Learn more with Wrike.

How to Prioritize Your To-Dos When Everything's Important (Video)
Productivity 3 min read

How to Prioritize Your To-Dos When Everything's Important (Video)

We’ve all been there: you walk into the office, take one look at your inbox or to-do list, and immediately feel the urge to run away. You’ve got a million things on your plate and they’re all important — where do you even start? The more requests come flying in at you from all sides,

8 Lessons in Increased Productivity from Wrike Customers
Productivity 3 min read

8 Lessons in Increased Productivity from Wrike Customers

Crafting the perfect business pie requires a list of ingredients. A great idea, an awesome team, and an actionable plan. But the most important, do-or-die ingredient to make your perfect pie is productivity. Putting the proper thought into hiring the most productive team and creating an effective plan will keep your business from crumbling. So why

What Is an Information Silo?
Productivity 7 min read

What Is an Information Silo?

According to CMS Wire, workers, on average, spend 36% of their day looking for and consolidating information. But 44% of the time, they can't find the information. This wasted time and effort are caused by information silos.  Information silos are costly, but they are also fixable. Although they’re often thought of as unavoidable, the truth is

Ultimate Time Management Strategies for Marketing Agencies
Productivity 7 min read

Ultimate Time Management Strategies for Marketing Agencies

Put an end to wasted work hours. Get back on track by using these time management strategies to become more focused and productive.

How to Figure Out If You're a Workaholic (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

How to Figure Out If You're a Workaholic (Infographic)

Are you always working late into the night? Or pushing yourself to work hard because you want constant recognition by coworkers? Is it all to the detriment of your personal relationships? If so, you just might be a workaholic. Psychology Today calls workaholism "a soul-destroying addiction that changes people's personality and the values they live

Top 10 Photoshop Plugins for Creative Professionals
Productivity 5 min read

Top 10 Photoshop Plugins for Creative Professionals

Adobe Photoshop supports plugins, which allow you to add more useful features that help you save time and effort. Have a look at our list featuring 10 of the top free and paid Adobe Photoshop plugins that will be useful for all creatives.

R.I.P., Stephen Covey. A Legacy of Productivity Secrets
Productivity 3 min read

R.I.P., Stephen Covey. A Legacy of Productivity Secrets

The sad news of this week is that Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of the productivity best-seller "7 Habits of Highly Effective People," passed away this Monday at the age of 79. The book that brought him global recognition was first published in 1989. No wonder that Forbes honored it as one of top 10

Top Tech Tool Features Small Businesses Need to Stay Productive
Productivity 7 min read

Top Tech Tool Features Small Businesses Need to Stay Productive

Deb Lee, a Digital Productivity Coach, Certified Professional Organizer, speaker, and Evernote Certified Consultant, shares the top tech tool features small businesses need to boost productivity and be more competitive. Here are her tips on what to look for when searching for the best apps for your company.

9 Productivity Snacks to Get You Through Your Work Day
Productivity 5 min read

9 Productivity Snacks to Get You Through Your Work Day

If you love food as much as I do, then you're always looking for excuses to eat throughout the day. Bored, stressed, nervous, happy... all very legitimate reasons to head to the kitchen. I'm here to share with you another reason to eat: greater productivity. Hard work requires a sharp mind and plenty of energy,

Why Your Company Should Be Excited About Pokemon Go (Work Management Roundup)
Productivity 5 min read

Why Your Company Should Be Excited About Pokemon Go (Work Management Roundup)

This week, no other topic has quite captured the imaginations of millions around the world than the Pokemon Go mobile app craze. Don't dismiss it without realizing the app's success has opened up a whole new marketing opportunity for companies— even yours. Read on!

Vacay the Wrike Way
Productivity 10 min read

Vacay the Wrike Way

Research shows the health benefits of vacation time. But for the first time in recorded history, 55% of workers left vacation days unused. Why aren’t employees taking their paid vacations? Wrike commissioned a survey of 1,700+ U.S. respondents to understand how stress before, during, and after vacations could be the perpetrator.

14 Online Resources to Break Through Your Creative Block
Productivity 5 min read

14 Online Resources to Break Through Your Creative Block

You know the feeling. You sit down to work on a creative project and your brain just goes blank. When creative inspiration is stubbornly elusive, most of us turn to the internet for distraction... only to come back to our project three hours later just as stuck as we were before. But the internet can be

13 Quick Stress-Busters You Can Do At Your Desk
Productivity 7 min read

13 Quick Stress-Busters You Can Do At Your Desk

Even if you love your job, you probably feel overwhelmed at work from time to time. Your email inbox demands constant attention, managers and coworkers are asking for updates, you’re searching for the information you need to get things done, and new priorities are always being dumped in your lap. Even the lighting and temperature

Tips and Tricks: Tag Your Tasks to Find Them Later with a Mouse Click
Productivity 3 min read

Tips and Tricks: Tag Your Tasks to Find Them Later with a Mouse Click

Imagine your marketing department is going to run a customer satisfaction survey. To have quick access to this task, you may want to put it into several categories, like "Surveys", "Favorites" and "Approved." Wonder how you can do it in Wrike?Create and attribute multiple tags to a task The function of tags is assigned to folder

Hot Summer Tweets
Productivity 3 min read

Hot Summer Tweets

seesarahwrite @leslieajoy have you tried Wrike? Let me know your favorite!alexsbrown Evaluating wrike project mngmnt system for a client. If you are a user, I would love to talk with you about it.ResGeek More updates to #GTD Software Comparison List: Wrike now supports real-time updates from team members - #TROpm4girls RT @corneliusficht: Need a

Identify One Key Task Each Day (Work Management Roundup)
Productivity 3 min read

Identify One Key Task Each Day (Work Management Roundup)

It's Friday once again! Time for the weekly Work Management Roundup where we pull together our favorite reads on productivity, the workplace, and strategies to work more efficiently. So grab your drink of choice and warm up your Wrike Chrome extension to bookmark the articles you'll want to read later on the train home. Here