In the good old days of digital marketing circa 1971 (when the first ever email was sent), the best indicator of campaign success was whether or not someone looked at what you put out into the world. Now that technology is more advanced and the market is flooded with content, marketers need to use a
Interested in becoming an even better project manager? Of course you are. This post breaks down some of the most important technical and soft skills for project managers and provides some actionable advice for stepping up your game.
As a software designer or development project manager, you work hard to ensure the code you and your team produce is as flawless as possible. However, just like seasoned writers still make small errors from time to time, even highly experienced developers and software engineers make small coding errors that need to be caught before
Improve your team's collaboration, enhance work visibility, and so much more.
When you think about the term "project manager" who comes to mind? Your boss? A colleague on a different team? The guy who literally has "Project Manager" on his LinkedIn bio? Here's something to think about: we're all project managers — you, your teammate, even the intern on the other side of the office. Whether you consider the client
One thing I've noticed about smaller organizations, though, is that beneath that layer of enthusiasm lies a company in need. They often lack structure, but that may not really be their primary need. Indeed, too much structure will stifle the efforts of those entrepreneurial spirits running the show at a smaller, startup-type company. But they
Chris Anderson builds an interesting case around the concept of the long tail of retail (The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More). I will save you the joy of reading it, and I won’t recount his whole work here. I still wanted to share an interesting story about collective
You just became a project manager, or you've been in the field for a while but you're ready to learn more. These great project management infographics from sources all over the net provide interesting education for PMs and PM-wannabes. Check out all these infographics and learn something new about how to define a project. 1. Bust
Maintaining spreadsheets is not the easiest or most effective method for managing a project. Still, should you find yourself relying on a workbook to track assigned tasks and overall team performance, it's important to learn how to do if then statements in Excel.
When starting a project, there are plenty of things to do: planning your schedule, plotting dependencies and milestones, finding the right tools, setting up your budget and allocating recourses. But one of the most difficult (and important) tasks is finding the right people to work with. After all, the success of your project doesn't only