(Last edited on May 29, 2009)

When you choose the best project management software for your needs, you most likely want the tool to:
  • save you time,
  • release you from routine operations,
  • be easy to use,
  • support collaboration, and
  • keep operations transparent to you.

What kind of software will meet your expectations? Web-based collaboration software is the most practical answer. With the help of collaboration software like Wrike, you can easily stay on the same page with your team and run your project successfully. Your employees can instantly contribute to the project plans. You get better control over all operations.

Let’s examine why traditional project management tools like Microsoft Project are outdated and how Wrike can help you run your projects more successfully.


MS Project*


From $9.95/mo for unlimited users and projects

$999 per license




$599 per upgrade

System requirements

You only need a Web browser and Internet connection.

Microsoft Project Web Access is supported with Internet Explorer 6.x and Internet Explorer 7.x only.


No installation required

You need the software to be installed on the computer.


No training required

Requires extensive trainings for end-users and administrators. For example, Microsoft Project 2002 Training Courseware consists of 4 modules and 53 lessons.

Project Management Features

Task management, Time tracking, Gantt charts.

Advanced features that bring excessive software complexity. Many of these features you will never use.
Visibility You get a clear picture of all operations. You have a limited visibility on every project because your plans are represented in a flat way. Intersection of project parts cannot be reflected in your plans.  Only a straightforward process, which rarely happen in real business, can be managed.
Project updates Your employees report their progress online.
You save time on routine operations.
You have to update the plan manually. First you need to collect reports from dozens of your employees. Then you analyze them and manually enter data in your project plan. This process is very time-consuming, and mistakes often can occur.
Sharing of information and tasks  Free On average, the ability to share your plans will cost you between $4,998 and $85,892. The explanations of these calculations are described below.
Sharing of information available only with MS Project Server and Microsoft Web-Access. MS Project Server available only through volume licensing; price not quoted.   However, the price may reach up to $52, 894.
Additionally MS Project Server Requires:
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for hosting and function of Windows Server System. Purchasing of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 will cost you up to $7,999, depending on the edition.
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Requires Microsoft SQL Server for enterprise project management functionality. You will have to spend between $3,899 and $24,999 on SQL Server.
  • IT personnel who can help you choose the most suitable edition of MS Project Server, Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server. IT personnel who will be able to install all components correctly and maintain their operational status.
  • A single computer (stand-alone installation) or many computers. The requirements for your installation will depend on the availability and scale requirements for your solution.
E-mail collaboration Yes.
You can create tasks from your favorite e-mail client and even work from your BlackBerry.
Not applicable.
Does the tool remind people about overdue tasks via e-mail? Yes


Available only with MS Project Server and Microsoft Web-Access. It will cost you at least $4,998 (see “Sharing of information and tasks”).
Does the tool notify you about changes in plans?


Try Wrike Now?  Yes

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