If you manage a company, you may need to keep track of every team or department separately. In this case, you create "Marketing" and "Sales" folders of tasks shared with your marketing managers and sales representatives appropriately. Then you put new  tasks in the relevant folder. 

However, often the responsibilities of the team members can intersect. For example, when you are going to participate in a fair, your marketing managers have to prepare exhibition place. Sales representatives care about matchmaking. Both of them work on the presentation of your company.

The tricky part of organization of your plans lies in the necessity to share the tasks related to the fair with all the specialists involved.  In this case, and simply add one more folder that is included in the "Marketing" and "Sales" folders simultaneously. Hence the folder “Fair” is inherently shared with both teams: marketing and sales while other tasks are separated:

If your company participates in multiple events, you may want to separate events from other activities. Feel free to include the “Fair” folder right there, regardless hierarchical levels:   


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