If you're a creative team working with freelancers, then according to the 2014 In-House Creative Industry Report, you're in the 90% of all creative teams that will hire remote freelancers this year to meet peak demand.

But as with any remote work situation, there are challenges to making it work.

While remote work may be ideal for introverted creatives who perform best in silence and isolation, projects remain collaborative efforts. Feedback needs to go both ways: your freelancers need to proactively communicate with the team for better coordination, and your team needs to support and engage freelancers on a human level to create camaraderie.

So how do you make the situation conducive to creativity and out-of-the-box thinking?

Take a look at the Slideshare below for advice on how creative teams and freelancers can work better together:

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3 Tips for Creative Teams Working with Remote Colleagues

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