With Valentine's Day coming up, I'm sure we've all had the opportunity to reflect on who and what mean the most to us. The people we see, talk to, and check up on throughout the day play a big role in our lives. 

However, today I'm not talking about your relationship with your spouse, family member, or best friend. I'm talking about how you interact with technology. Our 2016 Mobile Productivity Survey says that 44% of workers check their mobile device over 20 times a day. (Now that's what I call a codependent relationship!) 82% of survey respondents claim that their mobile device improves their productivity, and 37% say it actually improves their work-life balance.

What is telecommuting? Is our reliance on mobile devices getting out of hand? Or is the flexibility of working on-the-go lengthening our leisure time? Take a look at the Slideshare below and find out for yourself: 

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Are You Married to Mobile?

How is your relationship with your mobile device? 

Do you think using your mobile device for work is helping your productivity or harming your work-life balance? Share your opinion with us in the comments.

Looking to join the 82% of people who have improved their productivity by using their phone and/or tablet for work? Download the free Wrike app now and start getting things done while  you're on-the-go.