Project management is unthinkable without milestones and dependencies. Even if you occasionally plan tasks on the Gantt chart, these tools help you keep your product releases, website launches, editorial calendars, advertising campaigns and many other important activities on track and on time.
Project management is unthinkable without milestones and dependencies. Even if you occasionally plan tasks on the Gantt chart, these tools help you keep your product releases, website launches, editorial calendars, advertising campaigns and many other important activities on track and on time.
Creating "finish-to-start" dependencies on the Timeline (Gantt chart) has been a matter of a mouse move in Wrike for quite some time now. You simply hover on a predecessor task and drag the arrow from its right side to the left side of the successor.
Recently, many of our customers started asking for the ability to build more complex relationships between tasks in the same quick and easy manner. We've accepted the challenge, and starting today, Wrike became even more professional, allowing you to create all possible dependencies between your tasks!
New Types of Task Dependencies
Start-to-start (B can't start before A starts)
If you plan to publish some article with images, there is no use in making visuals unless you start writing. Here the start-to-start dependency will work the best for you. Join the left sides of "write article" and "make pictures" tasks with an arrow, and it is set!
It's not necessary for these tasks to start at the same time. Thus, if needed, you can easily move the second task forward this way, creating a task date constraint.
Finish-to-finish (B can't finish before A is finished)
If captions are the finishing touch on your banner, use the finish-to-finish dependency.
You can instantly create it by joiningthe tasks' right sides with an arrow.
(B can't finish before A starts)
This dependency type is often used for just-in-time scheduling. For example, you need to transfer paper from the warehouse to the printers in order for printing to start. However, the printers have limited storage capacity and you do not want the paper to arrive until it is needed ('just in time'), so the start of printing drives the delivery of paper. If the start of printing changes for some reason, so will the end date for getting paper to the printers.
Probably, you already know how to set up this type of relationship. Hover on the left side of the "start printing" task and movethe mouseto the right of the "deliver paper" one.
What dependencies are the most desired for your projects? Are any of them completely new for your team?
Wrike Team
Occasionally we write blog posts where multiple people contribute. Since our idea of having a gladiator arena where contributors would fight to the death to win total authorship wasn’t approved by HR, this was the compromise.
Wrike’s users benefit from the timeline feature that allows them to plan projects and reschedule tasks with drag-and-drop support. You can drag the task bar on the chart to change the task duration, start date, or end date. Once any change is made, your team members are instantly notified about it via e-mail, RSS, or
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New Dependent Task Notifications: "Tasks Waiting for Your Input"
Are you linking your project steps using our task dependencies feature? It's a great way to keep track of every small advancement on the way to reaching your milestone event. But if someone else is responsible for the next step, what is the best way to let them know you've finished? @mention them in the comments? No
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Highlight Important Points In Tasks With the New Color Marker
Working on task descriptions in Wrike with your peers is easy and fun thanks to our lightning-fast Live Editor. In fact, the descriptions serve like online documents! They are saved in real time, can be edited by several people simultaneously, and have the essential formatting tools. And today, we enhanced the text formatting toolkit with a color marker
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