TGIF means roundup time! We've collected the week's essential reads on productivity, work management, and company culture so that you can attack work, get tasks done quickly, and advance your organization. Here we go:

9 Phrases That Make You Sound Less Experienced Than You Are (Mashable): Sure you may feel less experienced than the rest of your team, but your speech doesn't have to give that away. Here are 9 phrases to avoid, plus alternative phrases to use to show your competence.

What You Miss When You Take Notes on Your Laptop (Harvard Business Review): Use a pen and paper to take notes. Why? Research shows that when you only use a laptop for notes, you don’t absorb new materials as well, largely because typing notes encourages mindless transcription.

Making a Stock Photo Your Own (The Next Web): Everyone knows stock photos are boring. But taking your own photos is also sometimes more of a hassle. So here's a compromise: customize them! Some simple methods to customize a stock photo, and make it your own.

Your Kindness Will Lead You to Success (Medium): You want the real secret to success on a human level instead of on a monetary level? Then practice kindness. Not random kindness either, but orchestrated and unexpected kindness that lifts up those around you.

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