Printable Valentines for coworkers

- 3 min read
Remember how much fun St. Valentine's day was in grade school, trading cards and candy with classmates? Coffee time may have replaced nap time, but you can still bring some of that innocent Valentine’s Day fun to your office.
If you think it's too late to show your admiration for your colleagues, think again. There's always time to show appreciation for your team. Just print one (or all!) of these PDFs on regular 8.5” x 11” copy paper, fold or cut them out, and give them to your work buddies and office crushes this February 14th.
There has to be an opportunity to accommodate a variety of opinions in order to collaborate efficiently, according to Rurik Bradbury, chief marketing officer at Unison Technologies. Unison provides unified communications solutions to help businesses become more productive with their communications. Aimed at increasing its own productivity, the company was looking for flexible project management
Adoption of Wrike brought quick improvements both to managers and team members. “Wrike has been the most productive tool we have added to our arsenal since I started this business nearly five years ago,” says Dan Tipton, president and CEO at Tipton Communications. Read the whole interview with Dan to find out why Wrike turned
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