It's that time of year again in the U.S., when coworkers start playing pranks and strange behavior seems more common. Some of us are busy preparing our defenses for the spooky weekend ahead, and others are just locking their front doors and waiting for November.

But regardless of how you choose to handle Halloween, workers everywhere are taking a stance against one common enemy: productivity killers.

The 2015 Work Management Report found the top 15 most common productivity killers for office workers. Now, we're giving you some tips for dealing with the worst of the bunch.

Take a look at this presentation to get tips on how to handle your worst productivity killer:

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Top 5 Productivity Killers

Dare to learn more?

Download the full 2015 Work Management Report to see how workers really feel about their current management system, how we're managing projects, and what's coming for us in the future.