Articles & Resources for Creative Teams | Wrike Blog
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Creative Teams

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Marketing project management software: 11 options reviewed
Project Management 10 min read

Marketing project management software: 11 options reviewed

There are dozens of lists of project management software for marketing teams. But very few actually consider what a marketing team needs. Here’s a better guide.

My take: Walmart’s brand changes are bigger than they seem
Creative/Design 5 min read

My take: Walmart’s brand changes are bigger than they seem

Wrike’s Head of Creative Design, Anton Antoniuk, discusses the Walmart logo evolution and the importance of visual identity in company branding.

Best workflow management software for teams: 4 options
Project Management 10 min read

Best workflow management software for teams: 4 options

Well-managed workflows help your team deliver their best work consistently and tackle complex tasks. Here’s our list of the best workflow management software.

Project management software for creatives: 10 of the best tools
Project Management 10 min read

Project management software for creatives: 10 of the best tools

If your creative team needs project management software, there are some features you can’t do without. Here’s a list of the best PM tools for creatives.

The art of perfecting the design approval process
Creative/Design 7 min read

The art of perfecting the design approval process

Sometimes, the design approval process drags on with no end in sight. But what if it doesn’t have to be that way?

6 of the best tools for creative workflow automation
Project Management 10 min read

6 of the best tools for creative workflow automation

Your creative workflow software should be a big help, not a hindrance, to your creative team. Take a look at how Wrike (and five other tools) can speed up your process.

How to manage and optimize your creative workflow
Project Management 10 min read

How to manage and optimize your creative workflow

Your creative team deserves to be running in tip-top shape. Check out Wrike’s features to boost your full potential!

How to implement structural design principles
Project Management 7 min read

How to implement structural design principles

Whether you’re a seasoned project manager or just starting, this guide is your ticket to creating a better framework for your project.

Essential Insights Into the Product Development Process
Marketing 10 min read

Essential Insights Into the Product Development Process

Prepare for launch with essential insights into the product development process.

Streamline Your Creative and Digital Asset Workflows With Wrike
News 5 min read

Streamline Your Creative and Digital Asset Workflows With Wrike

We’ve recently enhanced our offering for creative and digital asset workflows that we’re sure will level up processes for creative teams. We can’t wait to share these updates with you, so read on to learn about what’s new at Wrike for creatives. 

Wrike’s Soft Skills Matrix for Web Designers
Marketing 10 min read

Wrike’s Soft Skills Matrix for Web Designers

As a follow-up to his previous post on hard skills, Web Experience Manager Anton Antoniuk shares the soft skills matrix he developed for the Wrike web design team.

Wrike’s Hard Skills Matrix for Web Designers
Marketing 10 min read

Wrike’s Hard Skills Matrix for Web Designers

Anton Antoniuk, Web Experience Manager at Wrike, shares the skills matrix he developed for our web design team.

Creative Brief: Definition, Examples, and Template
Marketing 10 min read

Creative Brief: Definition, Examples, and Template

Does your team use a creative brief template? Some creatives say effective templates are the single most important indicator of a project’s success.

Performance vs Brand Marketing: A Comprehensive Comparison
Project Management 10 min read

Performance vs Brand Marketing: A Comprehensive Comparison

In today's competitive business landscape, digital marketing has become an essential tool for companies looking to gain a competitive edge. Two common approaches in digital marketing are performance marketing and brand marketing. While both strategies aim to drive business growth, they differ significantly in their approach and objectives. In this comprehensive comparison, we will explore

Navigating the Digital Customer Journey for Enhanced Engagement
Project Management 10 min read

Navigating the Digital Customer Journey for Enhanced Engagement

In today's digital age, understanding the customer journey is crucial for businesses looking to enhance customer engagement. The digital customer journey refers to the process a customer goes through when interacting with a company's digital channels, such as websites, social media, and mobile apps. By comprehending this journey and strategically guiding customers along each stage,

Harnessing Agile Methodology for Creative Teams
Project Management 10 min read

Harnessing Agile Methodology for Creative Teams

In today's fast-paced and dynamic business landscape, creative teams face unique challenges when it comes to project management and collaboration. Traditional approaches, such as the Waterfall methodology, often fail to meet the demands of creative projects that require flexibility, adaptability, and a focus on innovation. This is where Agile Methodology comes into play. By harnessing

Diving into Creative Production: A Comprehensive Overview
Project Management 10 min read

Diving into Creative Production: A Comprehensive Overview

Creative production is a dynamic field that plays a significant role in many industries. It involves the development and execution of ideas to produce various forms of creative content, such as films, music, art, and design. Understanding the basics of creative production is essential for anyone interested in this field. This comprehensive overview will explore

Streamlining the Creative Agency Workflow for Enhanced Productivity
Project Management 10 min read

Streamlining the Creative Agency Workflow for Enhanced Productivity

In the fast-paced and dynamic world of creative agencies, having an efficient workflow is vital to maintain productivity and meet client expectations. Streamlining the workflow not only saves time and resources but also allows for more creativity and innovation. By understanding the key components of a creative agency workflow, identifying bottlenecks, and implementing strategies for

Optimizing Creative Asset Management for Organizational Efficiency
Project Management 10 min read

Optimizing Creative Asset Management for Organizational Efficiency

Efficient creative asset management is crucial for organizations to stay competitive in today's fast-paced business world. Being able to effectively manage and utilize creative assets such as images, videos, and designs is vital for marketing, branding, and overall success. In this article, we will explore the importance of creative asset management, the key components involved,

Unleashing Potential: A Guide to Talent Optimization
Project Management 10 min read

Unleashing Potential: A Guide to Talent Optimization

In today's highly competitive business landscape, talent optimization has become a critical aspect of achieving success. Understanding the concept and importance of talent optimization is crucial for leaders and decision-makers who seek to maximize their organization's performance and unleash the potential of their employees. Understanding Talent Optimization Talent optimization refers to the strategic process of aligning a

What You Need to Know About ChatGPT and How It Can Help You Create Content
Project Management 7 min read

What You Need to Know About ChatGPT and How It Can Help You Create Content

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that can generate answers to prompts and questions. You can use it to write outlines, song lyrics, poetry, and more.

How Electrolux Produces 10x More Assets With Wrike
Project Management 3 min read

How Electrolux Produces 10x More Assets With Wrike

Read how Wrike helped the Electrolux packaging design team produce 10 times more assets thanks to improved proofing and approval processes.

How To Enhance Design Operations for Creative Teams
Productivity 7 min read

How To Enhance Design Operations for Creative Teams

Learn how Wrike’s DesignOps Manager cultivated the perfect creative production flow for our internal design team with request forms, reports, and more.

10 Free Brainstorming Apps and Tools to Spark Innovation
Collaboration 5 min read

10 Free Brainstorming Apps and Tools to Spark Innovation

The key to brainstorming isn't just getting as many people as possible in a room so they can collaborate on the greatest ideas ever. It requires a bit more work to get the most out of your brainstorming session. Sometimes, the best brainstorming sessions are accompanied by a simple tool that allows you to record and visualize the progress of ideas. This allows your team to see the flow of ideas and gives more context around next steps.