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What Kind of Procrastinator Are You? (Decision Tree)
Productivity 3 min read

What Kind of Procrastinator Are You? (Decision Tree)

We’re all guilty of procrastination. It's not a crime, it's just something we do. And while there are dozens (if not hundreds) of productivity tips out there to help you find your motivation, you can’t completely get rid of that sneaking temptation to put off work — not forever, anyway. If you can’t fight it,

18 Top Project Management Methodologies (Infographic)
Project Management 3 min read

18 Top Project Management Methodologies (Infographic)

Have you been following our Project Management Basics series? In our Quick Start-Guide to Methodologies, we cover various project management approaches. We've also distilled the essentials and created an infographic that's easy to reference and share with colleagues. Without further ado, here's the infographic to help you run your team and improve your project management experience: Embed

Take This Quiz: Are You A Micromanager? (Infographic)
Leadership 3 min read

Take This Quiz: Are You A Micromanager? (Infographic)

You read all the literature on micromanagement. You avoid forcing your ideas on your colleagues and friends whenever possible. But you still worry about whether or not you are coming across in a helpful, positive light. ...Or maybe this quiz suddenly appeared in your inbox from an anonymous sender? According to a survey from the book My

How to Handle a Project Management Crisis (Infographic)
Project Management 3 min read

How to Handle a Project Management Crisis (Infographic)

With every new project comes the risk of a new project crisis (or two or three). As a project manager, you can't be scared to start just because you're worried about what might go wrong. Instead, it's better to fully prepare yourself for any possibility, and then calmly deal with whatever comes your way. In every

Taking a Stand: The Evolution of the Desk Employee (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

Taking a Stand: The Evolution of the Desk Employee (Infographic)

We decided to revisit history and unravel the evolution of sitting as well as the revolution of standing in the office. Check out the infographic below for the stories behind sitting, standing, and even kneeling in the office.

5 Lessons in Lean Product Development from the Wright Brothers (Infographic)
Project Management 3 min read

5 Lessons in Lean Product Development from the Wright Brothers (Infographic)

Good product development is crucial to your company's success, whether it's a small business startup or a huge corporation. Product delays or failures can mean falling behind competitors, or (worst case scenario) a failed launch. When developing your next product, look to the Wright brothers for Lean project management lessons to help your project soar. Want

10 Steps to a Kickass Project Kickoff: A Checklist for Project Managers
Project Management 3 min read

10 Steps to a Kickass Project Kickoff: A Checklist for Project Managers

With the start of fall and a new football season, we can't help but notice the similarities between kicking off football and kicking off new projects. The contracts have been signed, hands shaken, and you’re now officially hired to lead a new project. Get ready to roll up your sleeves — now the real work

How to Deal With Difficult Employees
Leadership 10 min read

How to Deal With Difficult Employees

As a career manager or even a first-time manager, the chance of encountering difficult employees is, unfortunately, very high. You need to prepare yourself in advance to handle the situation without causing additional problems. Even if you're one of the lucky managers who doesn't have a chronically cranky member on the team, there will always

Your Complete Crowdfunding Campaign Checklist (Infographic)
Leadership 3 min read

Your Complete Crowdfunding Campaign Checklist (Infographic)

Launching a crowdfunding campaign may be exciting, but it's also exhausting. Use this checklist to get you through the hectic months ahead. It's broken up into pre-launch, launch, and post-campaign sections to help you stay organized (and sane) at each stage. Good luck! (See also our Definitive Guide to Crowdfunding Sites Infographic.) Want to share this infographic

7 Tips for Better Meetings (Infographic)
Collaboration 3 min read

7 Tips for Better Meetings (Infographic)

Let's be honest: meetings su-- ahem, aren't fun. We've all been there: trapped around a conference table, air conditioning set to "arctic blast," listening to a manager's endless monologue about customer acquisition strategies or abstract quarterly goals. At best, you might get a free pastry. At worst, it's an utter waste of your time. Here's the good news:

The Cure for Project Failure (Infographic)
Project Management 3 min read

The Cure for Project Failure (Infographic)

Are your projects thriving? Or are they suffering from swelling budgets, sluggish progress, and strained deadlines? If your hard work is constantly in danger of flatlining, know this: you’re certainly not alone. There’s an epidemic of failed projects afflicting businesses of all sizes, with organizations hemorrhaging hundreds of millions of dollars in lost funds. In the

Definitive Guide to Crowdfunding Sites (Infographic)
Leadership 3 min read

Definitive Guide to Crowdfunding Sites (Infographic)

In the last few years, the crowdfunding scene has exploded. Now there are hundreds of platforms to choose from, with more popping up every day. But which crowdfunding site is best for your small business? Or charitable cause? We covered 26 Top Crowdfunding Sites by Niche, and now we've created an infographic with all the

How Successful Teams Use Project Management Software (Infographic)
Project Management 3 min read

How Successful Teams Use Project Management Software (Infographic)

According to Information Week, 87% of high-performing companies use a project management tool to complete daily work and and meet their business goals. But why? What are the benefits? What kinds of teams need project management software? And how do they go about choosing the right tool? Learn all the “how”s and “why”s in this infographic: Share

5 Biggest Time Wasters Leading to Startup Failure (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

5 Biggest Time Wasters Leading to Startup Failure (Infographic)

Startup success isn't just about the perfect product. Now the emphasis is on speed: faster ideation, faster iterations, faster time to market. Startups are even told to "fail fast." But where do successful startups invest their precious time? And what are the costliest time management mistakes? Here are the top 5 time wasters to avoid. Failed

How Pixar, Google, and Facebook Fight Bad Meetings (Infographic)
Collaboration 3 min read

How Pixar, Google, and Facebook Fight Bad Meetings (Infographic)

Let's play a game. Would you rather: A) Sit through an hour-long status meeting in a frigid conference room with no windows B) Pull out your own tooth with a rusty pair of pliers How many of you had to consider your actual preference for a moment? Ok, all joking aside, meetings may not be quite that bad.

Work Skills You Need on Your Resume in 2021
Leadership 10 min read

Work Skills You Need on Your Resume in 2021

Navigating the highly competitive job market can be brutal. In a recent Jobvite survey, nearly three in four respondents said they believe finding a job has become much harder following the pandemic.  It’s clearer now more than ever how important it is for your resume to stand out. In fact, nearly 24% of hiring managers spend

How to Enjoy Summer in the Office (Infographic)
Leadership 3 min read

How to Enjoy Summer in the Office (Infographic)

Summer no longer carries the same meaning once you pass childhood. Before, summer meant school's out, movie dates, picnics, and warm nights. Now, summer only means that it's going to be hotter in the office. It's not easy to stay productive when the sun is tempting you to skip work and go outside — but it

4 Keys to Driving Employee Engagement (Infographic)
Leadership 3 min read

4 Keys to Driving Employee Engagement (Infographic)

So how do you fight disengagement and keep your team motivated and focused?

The Essential Guide to Financing For Startups
Leadership 10 min read

The Essential Guide to Financing For Startups

Startup businesses need adequate funding to support operations. But there are a lot of myths around financing for startups that make the process more complex and prolonged than it needs to be.  For example, while most entrepreneurs assume venture capital will be their primary source of funding, only 6% of all startups actually receive anything from

Will Your Company's Social Media Marketing Efforts Pay Off? (Infographic)
Marketing 3 min read

Will Your Company's Social Media Marketing Efforts Pay Off? (Infographic)

In order to be successful marketing your business in social media, you need to invest time and resources, and understand what is targeting in marketing. This decision tree helps you see if you're ready to launch a full-scale social media effort that will lead to more attention and business leads. Will your company's social media efforts

20 Ways to Build a Happy & More Productive Workforce (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

20 Ways to Build a Happy & More Productive Workforce (Infographic)

Studies report that happy workers are 31% more productive, with up to 37% higher sales and three times the creativity as the rest of your workforce (Harvard Business Review). Isn't that enough incentive to keep your people happy as they spend upwards of eight hours a day contributing to your bottom line? The infographic below shows

75 Productivity Tips to Make You Super Efficient (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

75 Productivity Tips to Make You Super Efficient (Infographic)

Whether you need a motivation boost, help prioritizing, or some clever time-saving tricks, this infographic covers 75 quick and simple productivity tips you can start using immediately.

10 Ways to Make Your Team More Productive (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

10 Ways to Make Your Team More Productive (Infographic)

Some days are just harder than others. It's the end of a week, or the day after a holiday, or there was yet another office birthday. (Cake-coma, anyone?) When your team is having a hard time focusing on their work, don't just sigh and hope things will change soon. You can actively help them jump back

How to Deal With Conflict in the Workplace
Collaboration 10 min read

How to Deal With Conflict in the Workplace

Conflict is a reality of the working world. You deal with different people every day, people with varying perspectives, opinions, and convictions. When contrasting opinions and dynamic personalities collide, expect conflict and disagreements. As with anything in a professional setting, a little politeness goes a long way to help diffuse the situation.