To say life as a marketing manager can be hectic would be putting it mildly. With so much going on and distractions popping up every five minutes, you may feel like you need to go into complete isolation in order to actually get anything done. In fact, that’s exactly what that crazy scuba-like contraption is
Well then, how do social media gurus manage to be productive and get things done right on time? They have their own productivity tools and technique, as well as marketing terms and concepts, that help them stay efficient in this vibrant environment. The good news is that social media professionals don’t mind sharing their tips.
Keeping up with today’s marketing challenges is tough. There is a lot of information to process and examine before formulating a strategy, plus many startups and small businesses have limited budgets. They have to focus on the most cost-effective marketing channels to see positive results. So as a marketer or aspiring entrepreneur, where should you focus? Here
From the mobile boom to the rise of social media, the realm of marketing has grown far beyond just promotional emails and consistent content. It's not a one size fits all solution, but here are five surefire ways to start building a more efficient and collaborative marketing team.
Finding new leads can take a lot of time and resources without a concrete plan, which is why you need a scientific approach to funnel marketing. Read more to learn marketing funnel basics, how to set up your own lead generation machine based on tactics from leading brands, and create an impactful B2B campaign for your business.
Since buzzwords like social shares, mobile marketing, and (wait for it) Big Data are nothing new and don't really provide a competitive advantage any longer, the marketer of the future will be nothing like the marketer of the past... or present. Marketing has changed more in the past two decades than it has in the last 80 years and we are all just trying to keep up. From data to design to content to creative, customers are becoming harder and harder to impress.
Wrike's flexible folder structure allows any team to quickly set up a workflow to operate more efficiently. We've seen marketing teams become particularly successful by setting up their Wrike folders to mirror the structure of their department. Our customer success team speaks with dozens of companies per week, sharing best practices and setting up workflows. New
Thanks to Canadian entrepreneur and marketing consultant Jules Marcoux, CEOs and marketing directors can have exactly that. In what many consider to be one of the best marketing books around, Marcoux maps out exactly how to take brands to the next level and drive better results. In our continuous effort to give marketing teams an edge over the competition, we revisited this marketing agency blueprint for our own book review.
In the last decade, Agile methodologies have been widely embraced by the software development and project management communities. Its iterative approach helps teams make direct progress toward an end goal, while allowing them the flexibility to adapt and refine their process as they go. Now, marketing teams are embracing the Agile pillars in order to thrive
In order to be successful marketing your business in social media, you need to invest time and resources, and understand what is targeting in marketing. This decision tree helps you see if you're ready to launch a full-scale social media effort that will lead to more attention and business leads. Will your company's social media efforts
What makes companies successful? There are a myriad of factors for fast and sustainable business development, including building a powerful brand, forging strong partnerships, and having a flexible management system in place. But having a single, clear business goal is arguably one of the most important elements for success. A focused goal makes your team more
Improved quality of work, faster time to release, better team morale and alignment — truly Agile marketing teams are at a distinct competitive advantage. But getting your co-workers up to speed with Agile team roles so you actually reap these benefits is tricky, and it can be difficult to know whether you’re on the right
In an era when small businesses struggle more than ever, Michael Anderson's commitment to culture, process, and customer impact has allowed his agency to rise above their competition, and carve out a thriving niche in dental marketing.
We recently caught up with Matt Andrews from Aerotek, a leading recruiting and staffing firm, to learn how his team has streamlined marketing requests, shortened planning cycles, cut email by 90%, and much more.
Is your team a lean, mean, Agile marketing machine? In today’s digital age, responsiveness and adaptability are essential for creative teams. Join your marketing comrades and take up the Agile cause! Revolutionize the way you build campaigns, capitalize on the latest trends, and capture your audience’s attention by following this Agile Marketing Manifesto. Check out the