Ah, procrastination. We know we’ll regret giving in to its siren call, and yet it’s so seductive that most of us can’t resist. This infographic will help you understand the root causes of procrastination so you can start to withstand the lure of “I can always do it later…." Arm yourself with these 8 strategies to
Welcome back to the weekly Work Management Roundup. This Monday, the US celebrated the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose contribution to the civil rights movement helped America rise to greater heights. In this roundup, we link to an internal memo sent by Slack's CEO regarding Dr. King's importance. We also feature a
Some might argue that music helps the hours go by faster and keeps you focused, while others argue that music is distracting and makes it harder to concentrate. When considering whether music is more constructive rather than destructive for work, it's important to consider the type of work being done.
The secret of efficiency in project management is pretty simple: You don't need to do everything; you need to do everything that's important. But with tight deadlines, lots of people and multiple projects, planning your time can be very tricky. Matt has first-hand knowledge of what it means to manage multiple project groups with their own goals,
In the midst of the mobile generation, we're excited to announce the release of our 2016 Mobile Productivity Report. We surveyed over 850 professionals from a variety of departments, including marketing, IT, finance, and human resources, about their mobile usage and how it affects their daily productivity and work-life balance. Some topics include best features,