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Wrike News

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Wrike helps Canadian student Formula team build a racing car
Project Management 3 min read

Wrike helps Canadian student Formula team build a racing car

The Canadian EPM student team is building an original racing car from scratch to participate in the next Formula SAE competition. A well-coordinated team effort is vital for them. The project implies a complex set of tasks, assigned to different team members. The whole workload could turn into chaos without a proper online project management

Beta Release of Wrike's Tablet Version Ready to Empower Android and iPad Users
News 3 min read

Beta Release of Wrike's Tablet Version Ready to Empower Android and iPad Users

We know how important it is for you to be able to manage your tasks from anywhere: your computer, phone and… tablet. The tablet version of Wrike project management software was on the wish list for many of you, and today our team presents you Wrike’s Web version for mobile browsers on iOS or Android. So now

Wrike is released today!
News 3 min read

Wrike is released today!

Thousands people have been using Wrike in beta, and as of today, the professional version of Wrike is released! Dear beta subscribers, thank you very much for using Wrike. Your support was very important for improving the service. Your feedback helped us to develop new features, and your kind words lifted our morale. We have

Synchronize your Google Wave with Wrike Both Ways
Collaboration 3 min read

Synchronize your Google Wave with Wrike Both Ways

Those of you who already tried connecting your Wrike and Google Wave accounts already know how easy, fast and convenient it is to turn your Wave discussions in to tasks with due dates in Wrike. You don’t have to store your project-related information in two different systems. Wrike’s extension to Google Wave seamlessly turns your

New User Audit Reports for Wrike Enterprise
News 3 min read

New User Audit Reports for Wrike Enterprise

We have launched the User Audit Reports, which give you powerful insights into user behavior, security compliance, internal and external threats, and user/group operational activities so that you can take corrective action to protect your data and streamline operations.

Changes in the interface
News 3 min read

Changes in the interface

Besides functionality, we also made some changes in the interface. In task details We added the Start date and Duration fields. By default, the Start date is today, and the duration is 1 day. This will keep your associates with whom the task is shared from missing the task. If your task takes only 2 days to

Wrike Fuels Productivity
Collaboration 3 min read

Wrike Fuels Productivity

There has to be an opportunity to accommodate a variety of opinions in order to collaborate efficiently, according to Rurik Bradbury, chief marketing officer at Unison Technologies. Unison provides unified communications solutions to help businesses become more productive with their communications.  Aimed at increasing its own productivity, the company was looking for flexible project management

Wrike's Collaboration Features Reviewed by Leading Analyst Firm
News 3 min read

Wrike's Collaboration Features Reviewed by Leading Analyst Firm

A lot of our customers deal with remote collaboration, and their experience shows that, even if peers are separated by miles and time zones, with Wrike project management software they can smoothly collaborate and get things done together just as efficiently as if they were sitting in the same office. We have designed Wrike so that it

Wrike, Now a Google Apps Authorized Technology Partner
News 3 min read

Wrike, Now a Google Apps Authorized Technology Partner

We're honored to announce that Wrike has been named as one of the first Google Apps Authorized Technology Partners. This will enhance our presence in the Google Apps Marketplace. In addition, as Authorized Technology Partners, we'll receive a range of product/technical, marketing, sales, program, relationship, and support benefits from Google. These benefits will ultimately help us

Become a Wrike Fan on Facebook!
News 3 min read

Become a Wrike Fan on Facebook!

We welcome you to become a Wrike fan on Facebook. You’ll be able to connect to other people who think that Wrike is the most practical project management software, ask them about their Wrike tips and tricks, upload your pics, chat about Wrike’s new features, and find out about our events!

Project Management 2.0 Listed Among the Best Project Management Blogs
Project Management 3 min read

Project Management 2.0 Listed Among the Best Project Management Blogs

. The author of the post, Heather Buckley, is the director and co-founder of a British IT and business training provider, Silicon Beach Training. She picked bloggers who offer something unique and engaging on project management topics. It’s nice to see my Project Management 2.0 blog on the list! The abstract provided in the post

VentureBeat Reviews Wrike’s Microblogging Feature
News 3 min read

VentureBeat Reviews Wrike’s Microblogging Feature

New features come before the general release
News 3 min read

New features come before the general release

We have just released a pack of long-expected features. They will help you manage and visualize your plans and track progress. We also hope they will please you with their usability and intelligence. 1) In many respects, our main innovation, a timeline, is unique among online collaboration tools. You may feel lucky when you

The Timeline Goes Live
News 3 min read

The Timeline Goes Live

We have developed a Timeline, which is mostly known as a Gantt Chart. Now you can: - have the big picture of parallel projects, - track the work load of your team members, and - create elegantly designed outlines of plans. All these tasks are a huge challenge when using other online project management and collaboration tools, aren’t they? Here

Cutter IT Journal Features Project Management 2.0 Article
Project Management 3 min read

Cutter IT Journal Features Project Management 2.0 Article

This time, the focus of the debate was the emerging, innovative approach to project management known as Project Management 2.0. The issue dedicated to this extremely interesting topic included articles by experienced project managers and influential researchers and analysts, including Andrew Filev, the CEO and founder of Wrike. Andrew's article

Launching My Career as a Wrike Rocket
Collaboration 5 min read

Launching My Career as a Wrike Rocket

Kicking off a career after graduation can be daunting. But with the right role, team, and company, it doesn’t have to be. Check out Andrew's journey as a Wrike Rocket and the lessons he learned along the way.

Project Management 2.0 for Kindle Users
Project Management 3 min read

Project Management 2.0 for Kindle Users

Many of you probably have already bought a Kindle, Amazon's original wireless reading device, or at least heard about it. I personally love the idea of this device. You don’t have to buy and carry along tons of books you want to read. It’s all there inside of a single gadget, and it is available

Wrike Was Chosen a Finalist in the 8th Annual eWEEK Excellence Awards
News 3 min read

Wrike Was Chosen a Finalist in the 8th Annual eWEEK Excellence Awards

The 8th annual eWEEK Excellence Awards has been organized to give enterprise IT professionals a comprehensive benchmark for assessing noteworthy enterprise technology products and services. The nominees' products demonstrate innovation and integrate cutting-edge technologies, and at the same time help enterprises address their security and budgetary concerns. Wrike applied to the Productivity Applications category, because Wrike’s

And the winner is...
News 3 min read

And the winner is...

In my previous post I encouraged all my readers to leave comments in order to compete for a free Enterprise 2.0 Conference. Now it is time to name the winner. Thanks to everybody who participated in my little contest. I liked all the answers and it was really hard to make the final decision. If readers and

RACI Improved: Structuring Responsibilities with the Help of Project Management 2.0 Software
Project Management 5 min read

RACI Improved: Structuring Responsibilities with the Help of Project Management 2.0 Software

In one of my recent posts I wrote that using project management 2.0 software helps project manager guide his team’s work, delegate some of his initial duties and allocate roles and responsibilities so that they are clear to everybody on the team. Project management 2.0 tools also let one apply some traditional methodologies of structuring

Wrike's founder speaks at PMI Silicon Valley Tools and Techniques Forum
News 3 min read

Wrike's founder speaks at PMI Silicon Valley Tools and Techniques Forum

Wrike was founded thanks to the Andrew Filev's experience in running projects and businesses in today’s dynamic environment and his frustration with traditional project management tools. You are welcome to visit PMI Silicon Valley Tools and Techniques Forum in June hosted by PMI Silicon Valley Tools and Techniques Forum and find out how to manage

Microblogging in Wrike
News 3 min read

Microblogging in Wrike

Those of you who have already checked out the beta of Wrike’s new version may have already noticed and tried using the new Activity Stream feature. Wrike’s Activity Stream represents a built-in microblogging tool that allows everyone on the team to instantly share information and links, post information about their progress, report problems, and get

Join 100 Passionate Projects 2.0 Managers
Project Management 3 min read

Join 100 Passionate Projects 2.0 Managers

. I’m a strong believer in collective intelligence and the power of social media in promoting it. I launched the group hoping that it would be a great place for people who are enthusiastic about the new trend to share their ideas and contribute to the ongoing conversation about how Enterprise 2.0 technologies influence traditional

They've Already Tried the New Wrike. Have You?
Productivity 3 min read

They've Already Tried the New Wrike. Have You?

nathanelliott @itsChance I'm loving @wrike for online collaborative project management / timeline. You should check it out.bradmcdiarmid Looking for an alternative to Microsoft's SharePoint? Check out the easy to use Wrike at motherlake_jp Have you tried the project management tool "Wrike"? It's really nice. Like Basecamp + Gantt chart. PM SOFTWARE Wrike works fine for