Do you know how many minutes you and your team waste every day? I'm not talking about those "Oops, how did I end up on Facebook again?" occasions; I'm talking about the time wasted on inefficient work:
Scouring through email looking for documents
Accidentally using outdated information, causing necessary rework
Waiting for someone to send you the information you need
Answering "Can I ask you a quick question?" desk interruptions
It's estimated that 25% of the average worker's day is wasted on inefficient work. That's huge. If you work an 8-hour day, that's 2 hours wasted every day.
...10 hours per week.
...520 hours per year.
Do the math and you're paying the average worker for 65 days (over three months of work!) of "info gathering" every year. For every employee in your company.
Shocked yet? Read more on the challenges teams and managers are facing in today's workforce in the infographic below:
New work management tools are helping teams cut out these inefficiencies, so we can stop spending so much time on "info gathering" and start putting our time into actually getting work done.
Whether you're a manager or a team member, it's time to help your company perform better. Try our work management tool free for the next two weeks, and challenge your team to get more done every day.
9 Phrases to Avoid If You Want to Sound Competent (Work Management Roundup)
It's Friday — time for the weekly Work Management Roundup. This week we tackle what phrases to use to sound more competent, note-taking with pen and paper, customizing stock photos, and using kindness as a strategy. Plus more articles on tools, productivity hacks and work.
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6 Trends Shaping the Future of Work (Infographic)
Fax machines, rolodexes, and PDAs seem like ancient history, yet just 10 years ago they were ubiquitous office tools. What surprises does the next decade hold for today’s workers?
As the old adage says, the only constant is change. Set yourself up for success by keeping an eye on these 6 big trends that are defining
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Can Your Management System be Designed Like a Machine? (Work Management Roundup)
Can your management system be designed like a machine or software system — with few dependencies, single owners, minimal decision points? Absolutely. Read it in our weekly Work Management Roundup.
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