Chatbots. High-tech kitchens. Robot priests. What do these things have in common? They were created to save us time and resources through automation, the use of technical systems to improve process efficiency.

Since the invention of the assembly line, we’ve been obsessed with automation and its virtually limitless applications. But recently, we’ve taken our obsession to a whole new level, from incompetent robot hotel staff to failed “fluff bots.”

This begs the question: What should we automate, and what’s better off left alone?

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Automate responsibly

Automation isn’t a solution itself — it’s a magnifier. And if the underlying problem hasn’t been solved, automation will only make it worse.

Case in point? In one of automation’s most public failures, it prevented millions in the United States from registering for healthcare.

“Automation has the power to help us do more than we ever thought possible. But it's not a cure-all.”

These disasters are avoidable: With the right planning, process, and structure in place, you can wield automation as a tool to save time and conserve resources. If not, you might be in for a different outcome than you expected.

The right way to automate

When applied correctly, automation can amplify human problem-solving, allowing workers to do more of the work they enjoy and less of the work they don’t.

Thousands of teams use Wrike’s automation features to accomplish more. Want to learn how? Check out these posts for further reading on the dos and don’ts of automation:

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