Wrike ranks 14th in the small companies category in 2016, improving our place on the list by five rankings since last year.

The special "Best Places to Work" section, which ran in print and online on April 22, is produced by the San Francisco Business Times and Silicon Valley Business Journal to honor Bay Area companies that have exceptional workplaces and value their employees' contributions. The rankings are created in conjunction with the publications’ research partner, Quantum Workplace, which sent surveys directly to employees of companies that were in consideration.

San Francisco Business Times and Silicon Valley Business Journal received more than 400 nominations this year, and selected 125 Bay Area companies for the 2016 list.

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CEO Andrew Filev is thrilled for Wrike to be honored with this award, which is based entirely on employee opinion. "It's our goal as an employer to create a dynamic and rewarding work culture for our employees. We're proud to see that vision come to fruition and build a company where people love to work,” said Filev.

Wrike is committed to creating a great employee experience in each of its global locations, and we’re happy to receive an award that supports that commitment. Named one of North America’s fastest growing companies by Deloitte in 2015, Wrike continues to grow and expand its team in the US and internationally. See why we're a best place to work.

Even more great news: we’re hiring! Check out our career page for the latest opportunities.