Update May 6, 2010: This giveaway has ended! Thanks for your interest and for hanging out with us at the Web 2.0 Expo! . It will be unveiled during the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco. The release is going to be unforgettable. We are going to demonstrate a solution for unparalleled project collaboration productivity at
Andrew’s proposal has been picked by the tough committee out of hundreds other competing proposals submitted by experienced business, marketing and technical professionals. So the visitors to the biggest conference and trade show that highlights the latest Web 2.0 business models, products and strategies will a get a chance to hear the first-person perspective of
I’ve posted my presentation at Slideshare. So if you didn’t attend the event, you can still get highlights from the talk and find out what I believe to be the key things for an app’s success. It’ll be very interesting for me to hear your opinion on the topic. What do you think makes business
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