Emily Bonnie, Author at Blog Wrike
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Emily Bonnie

Emily Bonnie

Emily is a former Content Marketer of Wrike. She specializes in leadership, collaboration, and productivity. Her brain is stuffed with obscure grammar rules, an embarrassing amount of Star Wars trivia, and her grandmother’s pie recipes.

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If You're Not Using OKRs for Quarterly Planning, Stop and Read This
Leadership 10 min read

If You're Not Using OKRs for Quarterly Planning, Stop and Read This

It’s that time again: You're capping off a successful year and reflecting on everything you've accomplished in the past twelve months. But it’s not only a time to look back; it’s a time to look ahead. What do you want to accomplish in the coming year, and what’s the best way to go about it?  Many

15 Books Every Manager Should Read
Leadership 7 min read

15 Books Every Manager Should Read

Our list of 15 management bestsellers that are sure to help you find your leadership style.

Project Risk Assessment (Ultimate Guide to Project Risk, Part 1)
Project Management 5 min read

Project Risk Assessment (Ultimate Guide to Project Risk, Part 1)

BOOM! An asteroid has just collided with Earth. Luckily it was a small asteroid, so we’re all okay. Not so luckily, that lump of space rock landed smack in the middle of your project site. Your new construction, your server warehouse, your team headquarters — your whole project has been flattened to a pancake under a

How to Work Effectively: 13 Simple Strategies to Work Smarter
Productivity 7 min read

How to Work Effectively: 13 Simple Strategies to Work Smarter

Productivity at work is something that ebbs and flows. We all have off days where we feel we could have done more. But the important thing to remember is that productivity is a habit — it's something you can build over time and become better at every day by choosing the methods and tricks that

Ultimate Guide to Team-Building Activities Your Team Will Actually Like
Leadership 10 min read

Ultimate Guide to Team-Building Activities Your Team Will Actually Like

A team that works well together is more effective, more productive, and more successful — not to mention happier and more fun to work with! But team building at work can be tricky, especially when typical team-building activities tend to induce more eye rolls among teammates than high-fives. Whether you were hired to put together some

10 Reasons Projects Fail: Lessons from the Death Star
Project Management 10 min read

10 Reasons Projects Fail: Lessons from the Death Star

Here I am. Sitting in a dingy cantina on some dusty backwater planet, the remnants of the Empire scattered to the far corners of the galaxy while some rebel scum occupies the capital on Coruscant. Where did it all go wrong? If you ask me, it comes down to the Death Star projects. I had friends

6 Reasons Home Alone's Kevin McAllister is a Project Management Genius
Project Management 5 min read

6 Reasons Home Alone's Kevin McAllister is a Project Management Genius

It’s the time of the year: everyone’s humming carols, organizing cookie swaps, and re-watching their favorite classic Christmas movies. During a screening of Home Alone here at Wrike HQ, we couldn’t help but notice the young protagonist's stellar project management skills, and started taking notes.

The Ultimate List of Legal Resources for Startups
Leadership 5 min read

The Ultimate List of Legal Resources for Startups

Intellectual property rights, patent law, incorporation, equity distribution.... Navigating the legalities of starting a business can seem like an impossible feat, especially when one misstep could spell major trouble down the line. With an abundance of questions and limited resources, startups can’t afford to keep top legal minds on retainer for whenever an issue pops

Online Marketing 101 (Infographic)
Marketing 3 min read

Online Marketing 101 (Infographic)

“Welcome to the team! Have you met John and Rita in SEM & SEO? You’ll be working closely with them. Oh, and make sure you connect with Nancy, she’s in charge of lead scoring and nurturing. The email and mobile marketing teams are in these rooms. How much experience do you have with marketing automation,

Stock Your Break Room for Better Productivity (Infographic)
Productivity 3 min read

Stock Your Break Room for Better Productivity (Infographic)

You probably think that you encourage your employees to take breaks (90% of employers do) — but in reality, more than 25% of your workers don’t take a single break during the day other than to grab lunch.  Breaks are proven to improve happiness, health, focus, productivity, and mental performance. So how can you help your

How to Throw a Killer Office Holiday Party Your Team Will Love
Collaboration 5 min read

How to Throw a Killer Office Holiday Party Your Team Will Love

Holding an office holiday party? You don’t need a huge budget or lavish event to make your team feel special! All you need are a few creative ideas. Here are our tips for throwing a holiday bash your team will rave about all year long.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Agile Workflow in Wrike
Wrike Tips 5 min read

The Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Agile Workflow in Wrike

Agile teams are more productive, more satisfied with how their teams manage work, and can deliver results faster. But just because Agile is flexible, doesn't mean it's a free-for-all. In order to embrace the adaptability and speed of Agile, you need the right processes and an organized framework. And you need a work management tool
