Wrike's flexible folder structure allows any team to quickly set up a workflow to operate more efficiently. We've seen marketing teams become particularly successful by setting up their Wrike folders to mirror the structure of their department. Our customer success team speaks with dozens of companies per week, sharing best practices and setting up workflows. New
Wrike has a lot of great functionality to discover. Some are in your face and easy to explore. But I argue that some of our best features are the ones you haven't noticed yet. Whether you're working on your first Wrike project or your 100th, make sure you experience these 5 awesome "A-ha!" moments while
Wrike tasks pack a lot of punch. Ideas about how an action item can be captured and executed are possible with fields for everything from duration and due date to task importance. However, the real magic lives in the feature-packed task description section. Because the task description works like word processing software, content marketing teams around
Scott Struber, the VP/Operations of Yamanair Creative, a full-service ad agency, deployed Wrike to his team in March 2012. Scott now runs easily 80% of the business in Wrike, effortlessly collaborating with a team of 20+ spread across the country. In my conversation with Scott, I asked "If your friend in another company or department was