Back in February, Wrike's customer success team launched a "churn analysis" campaign. For two months, we collected feedback from customers who had decided to stop using Wrike and tried to identify their reasons for leaving. While there were many different reasons why people left Wrike, such as a lack of financial resources and specific missing features, "lack
Wrike is a tool that helps make your project management process more efficient, but it's not enough to just know about all of Wrike's features. Without a clear process in place, things will still fall through the cracks. In order to help your team successfully implement Wrike, you need to create a clear picture of
Adopting a new software can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. Last month I talked about the importance of habit-building during the initial stages of Wrike adoption. This month, I'll talk about our second Wrike adoption strategy: finding your power users. Power users are Wrike experts who have learned the ins-and-outs of the software
It is true that people are naturally resistant to changes in the workplace. But often times, a project management software is more than just a tool - it's a new habit people must learn. And when consciously building any new habit, there is always some time when it is difficult to fully embrace the change. Making