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Wrike Team

Wrike Team

Occasionally we write blog posts where multiple people contribute. Since our idea of having a gladiator arena where contributors would fight to the death to win total authorship wasn’t approved by HR, this was the compromise.

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Компания Wrike названа лидером в отчете «Фавориты в управлении проектами» за III квартал 2016 г.
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Компания Wrike названа лидером в отчете «Фавориты в управлении проектами» за III квартал 2016 г.

Software Advice recently published results of the FrontRunners for Project Management report — a study that analyzes leading project management software providers based on the capability and value that small business customers derive from them. In the report, Wrike was identified as one of the seven providers in the "Leaders" quadrant.
